Love Act 2 638
Love Act 2 638
Accumulation 838
Curves 6 128
Strengths Accumulations 438
Lignes 2025
Two Blue Fires 4 578
Four Women 4 032
Swirls 832
Death 4 436 003
Three Hearts 589
Whirlings 678
Introspective 8 804
Curve 1 258
Conceptuel Art Installation 1 800 426
Swirls 683
Things in order 5 668
23 Reflection Elements
Winner & Loser 4 636 131
Whirling 569
Main d'Isabelle
Sensitive 2 856
Disparates Movements 326
Minimal Supervisory 166 814 364
Peaks 4 043
Faux tatouage chez Jean
Surprise Woman 1 065
Two Women 4 123
War Auxiliary 539
Curve 847
Forms 2 636
Lighting on a Woman 4 105
Woman's Profile 989
Women Draw's 167
Hamburger 3 762 826 463
Peaks 2 228
Whirlings 473
Whirling 456
Dessin diptyque 3402
The End of a Bee 2 346 863 419
Symmetry Asymmetric 3 234 628 236
Woman 7 467 223 826
Jerky's Whirlings 537
Man 3 403 215 759
One of Animals to Depths 465
Waves under Sun and Clouds
4 x 10 x 15 cm • ink on paper
Things in order 4 253
Curves 6 804
Death of An Old Lady 4 361 254 180
Love Construction 586
Laugh and Death 2 036
Five Circles 5 139
Love Act 6 832
Love's Construction 579
Whirlings 471
Brightnesses in a Accumulation
Cerveau de Renaud